Devil’s Due

Devil’s Due
Series: Dark Crossroads Universe, Luther Cross, Book 1
Genres: Action, Horror, Thriller, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Pulp Corner Press
Publication Year: 2017

Half-human, half-demon, all attitude

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About the Book

Luther Cross here. Dangerously handsome, effortlessly stylish half-demon, at your service. As I have inherited certain…abilities with my odd genetics, I’ve put them to use as Chicago’s foremost paranormal investigator.

My current case? Well, I have to admit, it feels a little personal. I’m helping a mysterious girl who’s turned up on my doorstep, pregnant through mystic means. I can’t help but think of my own mother…and if I don’t help her, she’ll face the same fate.

Turns out, someone is trying to create an army of half-demons. While it might be a pleasant change to hang out with my own kind, I know most half-demons don’t have my sense of morality. If I don’t stop this evil plan, the armistice between Heaven and Hell will be broken and all of the Earth will pay… It will be the beginning of the end.

"Devil's Due is up there with some of the best urban fantasy I've read. Percival nails the characterization, world-building, and plotting to create a story that's not only highly immersive, but raises the bar for the rest of us."
– Brad Magnarella, author of the best-selling Prof Croft series
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