Devil’s Return

Devil’s Return
Series: Dark Crossroads Universe, Luther Cross, Book 5
Genres: Action, Horror, Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Pulp Corner Press
Publication Year: 2019

Death is not the end

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About the Book

My name is Luther Cross, the handsome and stylish son of a demon father and a human mother. With my knowledge of the supernatural and my own mystic abilities, I make my living as Chicago’s foremost paranormal investigator.

But now, I’m dead. Killed by a demon while protecting a young woman and her supernatural child. If I move on to the afterlife, my enemies will be waiting. So I’m trapped between two worlds, unable to affect either.

There’s a sliver of hope, though. My allies are working overtime to find a way to resurrect me. My job is to discover the identity of the rogue angel who set this all into motion, while also avoiding other threats. Being a ghost has just given me a whole new set of problems.

If it all works out, I’ll be back to my usual attractive self and avert a second war between Heaven and Hell. But if it all goes south, then we’re all screwed.

No pressure, right?

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