Vanguard #12 available now!

The latest episode of Vanguard is now available! Continue the third season in the twelfth episode, which sees the team facing a threat against one of their own! Check out the description below: When a Cerberus agent turns up dead while investigating an underground ring of fight clubs, Gunsmith is tasked with finishing…

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SFF Super Promotion!

Patty Jansen has organized another promotion, so those of you who enjoy SFF titles can have your pick! This time around, the promotion spotlights books that are free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription or that are free on Kobo. So if you're a KU or Kobo reader, this is your lucky day!…

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How many books equals success?

Last night, I was shown this blog post by Claude Forthomme. The link was shared with me by a fellow indie who was surprised by Forthomme's headline, "Only 40 Self Published Authors are a Success, says Amazon." Only forty? That seems pretty low. Especially because the definition of success is extremely subjective.…

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