Vanguard #13: The Tomorrow Man is now available on Amazon and for free on Kindle Unlimited! This is an important episode, the one where questions about the Event are answered. And where things move forward in a big way! Chronos arrives in the present after two seasons of build-up, and…
How I designed new covers for my books
You may have noticed some new covers appearing for the Vanguard series. I recently made the decision to update the covers. I wasn't quite sure how to do it. The first iteration of Season 1 featured comic book-style artwork by Mat Nastos and though it looked excellent, I got a number of comments from…
Vanguard #12 available now!
The latest episode of Vanguard is now available! Continue the third season in the twelfth episode, which sees the team facing a threat against one of their own! Check out the description below: When a Cerberus agent turns up dead while investigating an underground ring of fight clubs, Gunsmith is tasked with finishing…
Read this if you want more Myth Hunter
I just wrote "The End" on Hammer of the Gods, the fifth Myth Hunter novella. It was a lot of fun to write. The words flowed on this book a whole lot more than I expected them to. The Myth Hunter has been a really fun series to write, and I've…
Sadistman v. Mopeman: Yawn of Justice
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice came out in Japan today. Since I had nothing better to do (and since I apparently also make awful life decisions), I went to see it in the theater against my better judgment. Note to self: Never doubt your instincts again. To call this movie…
Vanguard Season 3 begins here!
This is it! The third season of Vanguard kicks off in Vanguard #11: Vengeance! This season will see some really big changes for our heroes as events that have been building ever since the first season start to converge! The Exemplar went missing after Cerberus’ siege on the island he’d built…
SFF Super Promotion!
Patty Jansen has organized another promotion, so those of you who enjoy SFF titles can have your pick! This time around, the promotion spotlights books that are free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription or that are free on Kobo. So if you're a KU or Kobo reader, this is your lucky day!…
Vanguard: Season 3 now available for pre-order!
All five episodes that make up the third season of Vanguard are now available for pre-order on Amazon! This is the season where everything changes. Old enemies resurface, questions are answered, and events that have been building since Episode #0 come to a head here! You won't want to miss the all-out superhero…
How many books equals success?
Last night, I was shown this blog post by Claude Forthomme. The link was shared with me by a fellow indie who was surprised by Forthomme's headline, "Only 40 Self Published Authors are a Success, says Amazon." Only forty? That seems pretty low. Especially because the definition of success is extremely subjective.…
Vanguard: The Complete Second Season available now!
Vanguard: The Complete Second Season is now available for sale in all formats! After the events of the first season, the team is no more. They've been replaced by an international organization, called Cerberus, designed to police specials. The former members of Vanguard have gone their separate ways and mourn the…