In April 2013, Pro Se Productions released ‘Black Pulp’, a collection of stories written in classic pulp genres featuring lead characters of African descent. Not only were readers captivated by the cast of characters featured in the book, they also saw the potential of future volumes, both of ‘Black Pulp’,…
Tag: pro se
Announcing Pro Se Single Shots!
Pro Se Productions has just announced a new line, the Pro Se Single Shot Signatures. The line features thirty-eight writers who will be producing stories, ranging between 3000-15000 words, on a consistent basis. They will either be an original series featuring recurring characters, or individual stand-alone tales with the unifying…
Back to School
September has brought about a return to school on two fronts for me. At the beginning of this month, I began my new day job. I'm still teaching English in public schools here in southern Kyushu, but now I'm working for a private company instead of the JET Program (which…